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The Library offers two types of passes; Print on Demand passes and Pick Up/Return passes.

Print on Demand passes can be printed from home or at the Library. These passes are only valid for the date of the visit listed on the confirmation page so request your pass for the day you wish to use it. Passes must be printed to gain access to the museum.

Pick Up/Return passes are borrowed for three days. Please reserve the pass for the date you want to pick it up. Passes must be returned by the time the library closes two days after the reservation date. There will be a late charge of $20 per day. In the event of a non-return of a pass, the Library will add the replacement cost of the pass to your record. Passes may be returned in the AV book drop or in person.

Borrowers are responsible for calling the museum directly for hours of operation, parking, or directions. Each museum reserves the right to determine the rules and regulations governing the use of the museum pass. The museum pass may not provide admission to all exhibits at the museum. Passes are not valid for special events. 

Borrowers are advised to have a back-up plan in case the museum is unexpectedly closed, if the Library must close for emergency, or if a museum pass is not returned on time. The Library is not responsible in case any of these things happen. 

Who can check out a museum pass?

Hicksville Public Library cardholders over 18 years of age who are in good standing and are clear of fines $5.00 and over.

Museum Pass Rules
  • A maximum of 3 museum passes can be reserved per household every thirty day period. Once the 3 pass limit has been reached, patrons must wait 30 days from the date of their first reservation to book another museum pass.
  • Only one museum pass at a time is permitted per family (i.e. those patrons living at the same mailing address).
  • Patrons may not use another adult family member card to book additional passes once the 3 pass limit has been exceeded.
  • Patrons may not reserve two museum passes for the same day and/or pick up two museum passes on the same day with separate Library cards.
  • Passes are subject to availability, and are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis up to ninety days in advance. The Library has the right to monitor usage to ensure fairness and access for the greatest number of patrons.